Original Landscape Paintings

A collection of scenery paintings by Various Artists

Learn More About Our Original Landscape Paintings

Art Leaders Gallery offers a wide selection of various original and limited edition landscape work. Our gallery has a range of landscape paintings from traditional to contemporary styles. Ranging from acrylic paintings to original oil painting, these paintings have a transformative quality. For example, one can be transported to a field full of bright red flowers by simply looking at a painting. Likewise, one can feel the cool breeze blowing through the trees as it brush across their face.

With artists such as Roger Swan, Pan Mossi, Vincent George, Roy Young and more, Art Leaders Gallery is sure to have the perfect original scene for your home! Above all, let the artwork transform your mind and refresh your soul.

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33086 Northwestern Hwy.
West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322




Open Monday - Saturday

10 am to 6 pm EST

Additional Hours by Appointment Only