Posts Tagged ‘Dr.Seuss Secret Art’


The Birds and the Trees New Dr. Seuss Release

Posted on: September 26th, 2022 by Art Leaders No Comments

The Water is Blue and the Birds are awake

The Birds and the Trees by Dr. Seuss

Published September 26th, 2022

It’s a bird…it’s a plane…its another incredible Dr. Seuss release!

For centuries we have pursued the ability to soar like a bird. Flight represents many things to many different people, but it undoubtably symbolizes the grace of movement and thrill of freedom. To fly is a fantasy of surreal proportions and a constant source of inspiration throughout time, especially for Theodor Seuss Geisel.

Freebird and Firebird by the Art of Dr. Seuss

“Freebird” on left, “Firebird” on right

The latest Seuss release, “The Birds and the Trees” is the sister piece to two iconic artworks, “Freebird” and “Firebird”. One of the most prolific periods of Ted’s painting career emerged in the mid-1960s. Freebird and Firebird came to life with a renewed sense of freedom, fantasy, and a lush sense of wonderment. The Birds and the Trees was also painted during this intensely creative moment.

The Birds and the Trees by Dr. Seuss

Story Behind the Birds and the Trees

Dr. Seuss witnessed the magic of flight firsthand, not only on his travels around the world, but also directly from his studio window. It was there that he watched birds migrate up and down the California coast. He watched the native birds nest within the tropical flora and fauna that populated the hillside on which he lived. The view from his studio inspired his creativity and made its way into countless paintings and book projects throughout his career.

Roughly 10 years after creating The Birds and the Trees, Ted faced physical and creative challenges. His eyesight had begun to fail. That experience shook his creative output. He had shifted to working on the smaller beginner book series and, in 1975, was assembling a book titled “Oh the Thinks you can Think!” He had begun looking back through a collection of his favorite images and ideas to be used in a new context – something he had done his entire career. However, he adapted a Secret Art painting in its entirety for the page of a children’s book.

This gorgeous artwork from Seuss’s secret art collection is sure to fly out the door! Contact the gallery today for more information. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for all your fine art updates.

View more from Dr. Seuss by clicking here.

What is Art? | 2019 Dr. Seuss Book Release

Posted on: February 28th, 2019 by Art Leaders No Comments

Dr. Seuss's Horse MuseumWhat is Art?

Published February 28th, 2019

With the 115th birthday of Dr. Seuss approaching, and the recent passing of his wife Audrey Geisel, there has been a lot of press regarding the legendary author; 28 years after his death!

Among the many drawings remaining at the Seuss estate, they discovered an unfinished manuscript. This manuscript was found in a similar manner to the one used the create the posthumous 2015 release of “What Pet Should I Get” (a now best-seller).

This new manuscript however deals with a quite exciting topic for those of us who already appreciate Dr. Seuss fine art! As you may know, Ted’s late wife Audrey Geisel paired with Chase art group at the turn of the century to establish a collection of limited-edition fine artworks, never before seen to the public. Ted created many artworks during his lifetime which he never sold. The rare collections include his Secret Art, Collection of Unorthodox Taxidermy, Illustration Art, & Bronze Tribute Collection.

The Ultimate Question

The upcoming book asks the question “What is Art?” and explores an artist’s creative process. Ultimately, it will give readers an inside look at how Ted thought about art, and how he viewed the world. Ted (Theodore Seuss Geisel) had an amazingly creative eye and a passionate belief in imagination! It is so exciting to be able to get a glimpse inside his mind after all of these years.

“Dr. Seuss’s Horse Museum” is set to release this upcoming Sept. 3. through Random House Children’s Books. Illustrator Andrew Joyner finished the 80% completed manuscript and fully illustrated the book, as the sketches recovered were too incomplete to use. Joyner’s style is “both subtly Seussian and wholly his own.”

New Dr.Seuss Book 2019 Original Dr. Seuss Sketch 2019 Book Release

The publication will feature references to Alexander Calder, Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso, and other famous artists. The rumor is that Seuss characters like the Cat in the Hat, and the Grinch may appear in this book! Some of Joyner’s previous children’s books include “Too Many Elephants in This House” and “The Swap.”

The upcoming release of this new children’s book is truly delightful. In fact, it is a joy to see the legacy of Dr.Seuss living on in this new generation!


Images by ABC News

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